More updates : (28/02/03)
has informed me that she is also considering joining
a Medicine Course outside Kerala or even Ophthalmology.
The final decision will only be taken at the interview
of course. Jaimie and Sangeetha are working as OBGYNs
in a hospital called Gowreesa at Gowreesapattom. This
is not exactly breaking news, but I guess you would
like to know. John is probably going to try to get
M. D. Medicine somewhere in India. If he doesn't get
it, he may go for a D. C. H. in a respectable institution
in the capital itself. Vinod Chandran is looking for
an M. D. General Medicine seat in North India. Ruchika
Agarwal has secured a rank of 422 in the AIPGE. And
finally, KKM and Abhi are starting to Delhi tomorrow.
Deepthi, Ajith and Sabari are also likely to go with
them. (Courtesy
various batchmates)
about batchmates : (27/02/03)
has reached back home after a long trip to Chennai
and Mumbai. She had gone there for some shopping in
connection to her sister's upcoming wedding. KKM is
planning to join Peadiatrics inside Kerala. Abhishek
is hoping that he would get a Medicine seat at a respectable
institution anywhere in India. If and when he gets
it, he'll join there. Depending on the condition at
the college, he'll consider continuing or writing
the other entrance exams like Manipal. Chakku has
taken radical decisions to get back into full time
preps. He's now staying at a lodges outside the M.
H. in an attempt to not get distracted by cricket.
Manju will probably go for a M. D. Gynec anywhere
inside Kerala and Sheenu would go for a M. D. General
Medicine inside Kerala.
Wedding on April 11th! (18/02/03)
had a chat with Muffy's fiance Yaku (her full name
is Yakuta Palkhi) today morning. She has informed
that both of them are in South Carolina and are doing
fine. The good news is that the couple is getting
married on the 11th of April this year. The wedding
will be at South Carolina. The venue is still not
been decided. She's promised to inform the details
later. For those who didn't know, Muffy is working
on his M. D. plans at Columbia, South Carolina. (Courtesy
and Rana get engaged : (16/02/03)
and Rana got engaged in a small function held at Tanya's
home today (16/02/03) afternoon. The function was attended
by only the close relatives of both. There is no news
about the expected date of marriage. Rana is presently
doing his internship at M. C. H., Thiruvananthapuram.
Tanya is busy preparing for the Entrance Examinations.
Sundar Singh)
P. gets S. H. O. job : (15/02/03)
P. (who wishes to be known by his name rather than his
nickname ie. Professor) has secured an S. H. O. (Senior
House Officer) job in General Medicine at Diana, Pricess
of Wales Hospital in Lincolnshire. He's informed me
that it's a six month job and it would only start in
april. That means that he can try visiting home in the
few weeks before he joins. That's just awesome isn't
it! We are looking forward to seeing you man!
(Courtesy Abhilash P.)
(PS - The photo on the right is a recent photograph
of Abhilash in England. He's with his friend Sajeev
and it was shot in London. Click the photo to view the
full size image.)
interview on Monday : (15/02/03) (View
Bio of Bigesh)
Regional Malayalam Channel (DD - 4) will telecast an
interview of Dr. Jaya Kumar B. (Endocrinologist) by
our very own Bigesh. The interview is slotted at 5.
00 PM on the coming Monday, that is the 17th of February.
Don't ever miss this interview which is rumored to be
entertaining. Bigesh, of course, has just finished shooting
in a tamil movie which will hit theaters soon. (Courtesy
on John and Sebind : (13/02/03)
of them are back home. John has given applications for
joining as a Senior Intern at C. M. C. Vellore. He'll
only decide later about joining. Apparently, a lot of
surgical seats are vacant eg. the Surgical ICU. He says
there's still ample opportunities for anyone interested.
As for Sebind, he has had a memorable experience at
the C. M. C. as he wrote to the mailing list. He has
got so inspired, he's decided to take Pscychiatry as
a career option. For trying out whether the subject
is suited for him, he's even considering joining the
Psychiatry Department at M. C. H. as a tutor. Kudos
to him. Read Sebind's post about the C.
M. C. Diarykkurippu. (Courtesy
John and Sebind)
Updates on Deepa Joseph and Maya Devi : (10/02/03)
Deepa and Maya have joined M. C. H. as Provisional tutors
after the latest interview for the posts. Deepa has
joined General Medicine and Maya is in Surgery. Both
are prime candidates for Consultations according to
the laest news. Also, both are being used for signing
payward requisitions etc. (Courtesy Deepak Chandran)
Bigesh on TV this week on Doordarshan : (10/02/03)
will be on Doordarshan this week. He's inteviewing Dr.
Jayakumar B. in the show. The questions which he's used
are rumored to be very entertaining. Don't miss out
on this. The timings are not available yet. I'll post
it when they are known. Bigesh's lastest movie will
be released later on this year. (Courtesy Sundar Singh)
Updates about Sangeetha Shenoi and Savithry Soumya :
news about Sangeetha Shenoi. She's currently in Thrissur.
She's preparing for P. L. A. B. Her contact addresses,
for those who need it are posted on her bio. Similarly,
a lot of other bios have been updated. Meanwhile, Savithry
Soumya will be out of town for about a month. She's
going for her cousin's wedding at Bhilai. She'll return
only at the beginning of March after visiting her Grand
Mother (Courtesy Sundar and Savithry)
Murali's next big performance : (10/02/03)
happened to catch up with Murali at Sanu's wedding.
As you all know, he's enjoying his work at the S. U.
T. Hospital in the Department Of Medicine. He is not
satisfied with his performance at Sapthaswaram. He felt
he could've sung better. His next show will be taped
in May where he hopes to do better. (Courtesy Murali)
about Shamu and Annilyn : (08/02/03)
is the latest to join the KAPLAN course that started
recently in Ernakulam. He's scheduled to join there
from the 19th of February. Annilyn was looking extremely
cute in her glasses in her wedding. Anoop is slightly
taller than Annilyn. (Courtesy
Archy's article about KAPLAN and USMLE here 
has a baby girl : (08/02/03)
Ritzy has delivered a 3. 1 Kg. female baby girl on the
first of February after a C. S. The baby and mother
were both discharged after three days of hospital stay.
Both are doing fine. The name of the baby will most
probably be Elizabeth. On behalf of the whole batch,
I wish Ritzy and Sen a great time with their baby daughter.
Vinee and Paul)
on Sheenu : (08/02/03)
she's come out of the wilderness with news about herself.
Sheenu is working in the general medicine department
of Benziger Hospital in Kollam. The hospital is very
near her home. She's having a relatively easy time with
only 6 duties per month. On the non - duty days, she
has to work from morning 8 to afternoon 1.
her latest post to the batch e-group by clicking here
Anoop's ('97 Batch) demise : (04/02/03)
Anoop ('97 Batch) met with his demise when he was accidentally
drowned in the sea while bathing at beach of Somatheeram
Ayurvdic Resort near Kovalam on the 31st of January,
2003. Dr. Vishad, who also was in a serious condition,
was admitted to the ICU at the Medical College Hospital.
According to the latest news, he's doing well. Others
who escaped from being seriously injured include Dr.
Praveen, Dr. Jain, Dr. Anoop Mohanan Nair, Dr. Thomas
Jacob, Dr. Sethu. The cremation was conducted in Varkala
on the 1st of February. Dr. Anoop was the brother of
Dr. Deepak who is doing M. D. General Medicine at MCH,
behalf of all of us at the '96 Batch, I extend my heart
felt condolences for Dr. Anoop's grieving family. The
'97 Batch is planning to do something in Dr. Anoop's
memory. Plans include sponsoring the Medicine Gold Medal
Exam or a CME on Emergeny Medicine. (Courtesy
Manorama, Hindu, Siby and Sameer)
S. - Since I was out of station for three days, I couldn't
post this story earlier. Please bear with the inconvenience.)
has won Sapthaswaram competition : (02/02/03)
the show called Sapthaswaram aired on Asianet last night,
Murali defeated his competitor handsomely. I, as you
all might know, was unable to watch the show because
I was on a trip to Bangalore. But I had rang up all
of my close relatives to tell about the show. Everyone,
including my sister, thought Murali sang well to beat
the other participant. Let's cheer our charismatic singer
for his efforts! Cheers! (Courtesy
my family)
is back to S. U. T. : (01/02/03)
Krishnan is back in the S. U. T. working in the General
Medicine Department. He's rejoining after a gap of about
two months. During this period, he was GPing in other
hospitals in the district and in some other remote places.