E - Group : mctvm96, a Yahoo! E-group
is the official mailing list of the '96 Batch, Medical
College, Thiruvananthapuram. It is the brain-child
of Paul Samuel and Prasanth P. While making the batch's
official website, they thought they would start an
e-group as well. And ever since, the batch has not
been the same again. This very concept has changed
the way batchmates interact these days. Our e-group
which was begun in March 2002, has been a grand success,
at least relatively. In the first few months, almost
all of the members used to chip in. Since then the
interest has been rather subdued. But still some very
hardcore e - group members like me, Anil and Sundar
still keep on sending mails.
I call it a relative success is due to fact that the
mailing lists of other batches are relatively inactive.
I recently did a survey on the performance of our
e-group. It's certainly one of the most active e-groups
based in Trivandrum. I hope you are aware by now that
we are well past 700 mails in it. Let's keep the fun
gong on. Kindly post as frequently as you can to make
this e-group experience a lively one.
members know the name of the e-group has been changed
from 'batchof96mctrviandrum' to the present 'mctvm96'
from late December. If the big name was the problem
for some of the members, at least they will start
posting now. I would like to thank Paul and P. P.
for initiative to bring about this wonderful addition
for our batch. Paul was also gracious enough to make
me a joint-owner of the e-group recently.
Another One for the Bachelors : 96batchelors, a Yahoo!
e-group was initially begun to give some competition
to our official e-group. But there has been little
response from the members. It was intended to share
some censored jokes, thoughts and comments from the
male-section of the '96 batch. There has been an effort
to re-kindle this group by the group's only active
admirer, Anil Neelakantan. Let's keep our under-cover
chalus going in here guys.
page was last updated
15 December, 2003 11:35 PM
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design and ideas © 2002 - 2003, Dr. Krishna Kumar
Venkitachalam & the '96 Batch, Medical College,
Thiruvananthapuram. Usage of the material furnsished
on this website is restricted by Indian Law. Comments,
Criticism, suggestions are all welcome. Contact Dr.
Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam at chachoch@yahoo.com
or kkvid@asianetindia.com
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